5 min to read
Go CheatSheet

I decided to write something and not just waste my time ¯_(ツ)_/¯ . So yeah ! I decided to write about Go as currently I’m learning it too :), So here we go !.
- Strings
str := "Single Line"
str := `This is
multiline string`
- Numbers
num := 5 // int
num := 5. // float64
num := 5 + 3i // complex128
num := byte('s') // byte (alias for uint8)
var u uint = 7 // uint (unsigned)
var p float32 = 22.7 // 32-bit float
- Arrays
var numbers [5]int
numbers := [...]int{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
- Slices
slice := []int{2, 3, 4}
slice := []byte("Hello")
- Pointers
func main () {
b := *thisisapointer()
fmt.Println("Value is", b)
func thisisapointer() (apointer *int) {
a := 234
return &a
a := new(int)
*a = 234
- Type Conversions
i := 2
f := float64(i)
u := uint(i)
Control Flow
- Conditional if/else
if day == "sunday" || day == "saturday" {
} else if day == "monday" && isTired() {
} else {
- Statements in if
if _, err := getResult(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Uh oh")
- Switch
switch day {
case "sunday":
// cases don't "fall through" by default!
case "saturday":
- For Loop
for count := 0; count <= 10; count++ {
fmt.Println("My counter is at", count)
- For Range Loop
entry := []string{"Jack","John","Jones"}
for i, val := range entry {
fmt.Printf("At position %d, the character %s is present\n", i, val)
- Lambdas
myfunc := func() bool {
return x > 10000
- Multiple returns
a, b := getMessage()
func getMessage() (a string, b string) {
return "Hello", "World"
- Named return values
func split(sum int) (x, y int) { x = sum * 4 / 9 y = sum - x return }
- Goroutines
func main() {
// A "channel"
ch := make(chan string)
// Start concurrent routines
go push("Moe", ch)
go push("Larry", ch)
go push("Curly", ch)
// Read 3 results
// (Since our goroutines are concurrent,
// the order isn't guaranteed!)
fmt.Println(<-ch, <-ch, <-ch)
func push(name string, ch chan string) {
msg := "Hey, " + name
ch <- msg
- Buffered channels
ch := make(chan int, 2)
ch <- 1
ch <- 2
ch <- 3 //this will error out as there are only 2 channel
- WaitGroup
import "sync"
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, item := range itemList {
// Increment WaitGroup Counter
go doOperation(item)
// Wait for goroutines to finish
func doOperation(item string) {
defer wg.Done()
// do operation on item
// ...
Control Error
- Defer
func main() {
defer fmt.Println("Done")